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RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-On
You must have RentPress plugin (version 7.3 or later) installed and Gravity Forms plugin installed on your site before installing the RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on plugin.
The latest version of RentPress can be downloaded here:
The latest version of Gravity Forms can be downloaded here:
Go to the Plugins page of WordPress, click on Add New, then search for “RentPress” then Install and Activate the RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on plugin.
Connect Lead Destination
Once installed, navigate to Gravity Forms’ “Settings” tab and click on the RentPress Forms tab.

Add your CRM credentials
To use the rest of the plugin, you will need to add credentials to connect to your CRM. Each destination has different needs. Make sure each is entered exactly as described by each provider.
To test to make sure you have the correct subdomain, try visiting this URL in your browser after swapping out the X’s:
At the bottom of the page, click Save Settings to save the credentials. Once you click Save, you can now set up your forms to deliver to these lead destinations. You can set up a feed to any new or existing forms.
Feed Settings
Navigate to the Forms tab of Gravity Forms. Click on the form that you would like to gather leads from.
Mouse over the Settings menu for that form, and click on the RentPress Forms tab.

For each form, navigate to Settings > RentPress Forms
You will see a screen that says you don’t have any feeds configured. Click on “Create One” to create a new feed. That will take you to the Feed Settings screen.

Map your form fields (right) to the CRM (left).
For each required field, click on the dropdown menu. If there is more than one option, select the one that relates to the Field on the left side of your screen. If your form doesn’t have a field that seems to match what your CRM wants, consider adding it. Once added, you will be able to select that field in the Feeds Settings menu. Once you have selected a Form Field for every Field that you want to send to your 3rd Party API, click the Update Settings button at the bottom of the screen.
Some of the options will already be filled in. This is because the plugin selects fields of the correct type by default, so if you use a Name field on your form, the plugin will automatically select the Name (First) option for First Name. The required fields for your import source will be denoted by asterisks (*). Make sure to check with your CRM to see all of the information that may be required to accept a lead.
And that’s it! You’re all set up. Every time someone submits the form(s) you have added feeds to, RentPress Forms will automatically send their data to your 3rd Party API.
- When using RentPress’s included templates, you will see URLs parameters to help pre-populate form fields. When known, you will see values of
- property_code
- floorplan_code
- floorplan_bed
- unit_code
- See this example » that displays fields that are usually hidden.
- More info » from Gravity Forms about dynamically populating fields
- On a default configuration, RentPress’s included templates will send shoppers to a /contact/ page on your site where it is expected that you have added a form.
- This /contact/ URL can be set across your entire website in RentPress Settings > Appearance > Default URLs
- The contact URL can be set on a per-property basis in the Contact Form section of the Property Editor.
See Also
- Gravity Forms documentation ↗️
- RentPress templates “Request Info” button and Default URLs
- Property Editor > Contact Forms
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